Mark Robbins

International Business Development Manager for Water/Wastewater
Esri Inc.

Mark is a business development manager for Esri, the global leader in Geographic Information Systems. He has been working for Esri supporting water utilities for 13 years as part of the Esri Global Water Practice. The Practice is a group of dedicated professionals supporting the use of geospatial technologies in the management of water, wastewater, and storm water utilities

His role is to work with utility executives to establish a vision for geospatial solutions that directly support the mission of a water utility. He leads workshops with executives and managers to establish that vision and determine opportunities for the use of GIS to lower operating costs, recover lost revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and meet regulatory requirements. Once the vision and use cases have been determined he works with utility leadership, GIS professionals and technologists to develop a road map and execution plan so they can begin to realise the value of ArcGIS solutions in a clearly defined approached that lowers implementation risk and accelerates the time the technology can get into the hands of people that need it the most.