
  • Vessel Navigation & Monitoring - Iwan Pratama Babheer, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

    Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) operates Mahakam Block in East Kalimantan which produce oil and gas, the operation's area (more than 2,800 sq km) mostly in onshore and some in offshore of Mahakam delta. PHM operate more than 200 vessels to support the operation of logistic and crew movement, rig move, survey, drilling, inspection, construction, patrol etc. Vessel navigation system has capabilities to track and monitoring, historical tracking, geofencing, find shortest route, search nearest vessel and define standby area. Vessel navigation system improves the safety and efficiency of vessel operation management in PHM. 

  • Machine Learning Utilisation for Potential Fishing Area Identification - Adillah Alfatinah, National Cheng-Kung University

    Identifying fishing areas plays a key role in fisheries research studies in defining and delineating appropriate fisheries management areas. By detecting the fishing ground, we can understand and discover the fish distribution, behavior, abundance and aggregation. Accurate prediction of fishing ground will give more efficient in fishing activities. Satellite Remote Sensing and machine learning techniques can be used to determining the potential fishing ground area by measuring the parameters which affect the distribution of fishes. This technique provides an effective approach to build the relationship between the environmental parameters and fishing area.

  • Optimasi Digital Ads Melalui Iklan Berbasis Lokasi dan A/B Testing - Iqbal Hanif, Telkom Indonesia

    Using location data and a themed campaign, Telkom Indonesia implemented digital ads to increase IndiHome's sales figures. A/B testing was conducted to analyze the performance and effectiveness of Telekom's digital ads. The results showed that Google Display Ads provided a conversion rate above the benchmark, while Facebook Ads resulted in a conversion rate slightly below the benchmark. The results also show that landing page conversion rates and follow-up success rates are still far from the expected numbers. A/B testing results can be used for future improvements by focusing on advertising methods that prove to be more effective.

  • Identifying the "Sharing Space": The Case of Airbnb in Bandung, Indonesia - Adiwan Aritenang, Institut Teknologi Bandung

    Peer to peer renting system grows fast recently. We analyze the extent of sharing space in the city of Bandung by exploring the characteristics of urban sharing, living and sharing spaces as a result of Airbnb rentals. Benefited from the rich data provided from AirDNA, we conduct the case study in Bandung City, Indonesia. The study identifies the changing of spatiotemporal dynamics of AirBnB and walkability to commercial area and landmarks in Bandung. This research uses the ArcGIS Pro 10.3 analysis tools including space time cube, hotspot analysis, and service area. 


  • Location Intelligence driving Business Digital Transformation & Growth - Lai CS, Esri

    Leading organisations tap location analytics to solve business problems and uncover new opportunities. Most companies believe Location Intelligence is crucial to their success. Using geospatial data and analytics, Location Intelligence empowers understanding, unique insight, revealing hidden patterns and relations that drive stronger decision-making, and prediction.

    A geographic information system (GIS) is the software technology that provides a framework to manage, visualize, analyze, and ultimately understand the significance of spatial data. GIS helps businesses gain actionable insight by integrating all types of data. Businesses and organisations across a wide range of industries are leveraging GIS-powered Location intelligence to gain competitive advantage, drive their digital transformation journey and growth.