The energy sector took center stage at this year's GeoInnovation Awards, hosted by smart mapping giant Esri Indonesia. Oil and gas regulator SKK Migas and coal mining company PT Kideco Jaya Agung emerged as two of six award recipients at the prestigious event.
The creation of an innovative, interconnected geospatial system which served as a foundation to support SKK Migas' exploration and upstream O&G operations when collecting, exchanging and managing the nationally owned upstream data – saw the regulator honored for their ingenuity.
SKK Migas plays a crucial role as the organizer tasked with monitoring and supervising the upstream O&G businesses in Indonesia, with the responsibility of achieving the government's target of producing 1 million barrels of oil per day and 12 million SCFD of gas by 2030. This includes the requirement to display geographic locations, supporting the One Map Policy developed by the ESDM's Data and Information Technology Center (Pusdatin ESDM).

Adji Arwinda, Senior Analyst Petroleum Data Management at SKK Migas, said “The diligent efforts of SKK Migas' data management team, in collaboration with stakeholders, including Oil and Gas Contract Companies (KKKS) and GIS and IT service provider Esri Indonesia, have been aimed at ensuring seamless, digital, and open data exchange, management, and monitoring of oil and gas data, which are national assets. Our hope is that in the future, there will be no more manual data transfers and data silos that can hinder stakeholder performance in this field."
He explained that the web-based mapping platform chosen by SKK Migas and its Contractors (KKKS) that allows the two parties to collaborate and share insights, with a priority on democratizing data to meet governance, quality assurance and reporting standards.
Mr Arwinda is optimistic that the multiplier effect of using GIS technology (i.e. smart mapping technology) will be felt positively throughout the upstream O&G industry. "Effective upstream data management will enhance exploration activities and boost investment – ultimately increasting oil and gas production and generate higher revenues for government from the sector," he said.
A GeoInnovation Award was also presented to PT Kideco Jaya Agung - a mining company that manages 47,500 hectares of land in East Kalimantan, producing 34.5 million tons of coal. By digitizing its land monitoring systems Kideco is enabling teams to make equitable and fair decisions in relation to landholder compensation. Additionally, the GIS platform is digitizing Kideco’s management processes, access to property and mineral interests, asset monitoring and reporting, and ensures regualtory compliance needs are standardized.

Presenting as the event keynote speaker, Agung Indrajit, the Head of Data Center and Information, Bappenas, Kementrian PPN, emphasized the importance of collaboration, sharing, and open data source in the modern digital era especially in preparation towards Golden Indonesia 2045.
“The digital pioneers receiving awards for their cutting-edge solutions today exemplify the untapped potential location analytics has on transforming and supporting indsutries to find answers to challenges that don’t have a traditional solution. By harnessing data in novel ways, these innovators continue to faciliate the transformation of our nation and economy in readiment for tomorrow,” Agung remarked.

The 2023 GeoInnovation Awards is hosted by Esri Indonesia - a GIS technology provider whose solutions enable governments and corporate entities to leverage advanced, location-based data analytics to drive operational efficiencies and facilitate data-driven and evidence-based decision making.
In total six awards were presented at the event by Leslie Wong, President Director of Esri Indonesia, and Steven Kusnadi, Director of Esri Indonesia, to innovators including PT PLN (Persero), Telkomsel, PUSHIDROSAL, Dinas Cipta Karya, Tata Ruang dan Pertanahan (DCKTRP) Pemprov DKI Jakarta, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, and SKK Migas.
Leslie Wong shared his thoughts, stating, "These organisations represent some of Indonesia's most forward-thinking government and private entities. They've harnessed the power of location intelligence to tackle complex challenges, resulting in well-informed business decisions and more efficient government policies. Their leadership and forward-looking approach to digital transformation sets a high benchmark for other organizations both within and beyond Indonesia’s borders."
The GeoInnovation Awards brought together over 200 professionals and key stakeholders from various industries in Indonesia’s rapidly growing spatial community.
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