Dittopad, Indonesia’s Army Topography Directorate, announced a strategic partnership with leading geospatial solutions provider, Esri Indonesia, to expand the use of cutting-edge technologies to inform decision-making and support operational activities within the Indonesian National Army.

The partnership comes as part of a broader digital transformation agenda which aims to harness Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, Big Data, and artificial intelligence (AI) to inform decisions and improve national defence and security operations.

With more than 80% of data generated from IoT sensors, remote sensing satellites and military drones including geospatial information, location has become key to data integration and processing.

According to an Esri Indonesia spokesperson, Industry 4.0-based technologies are disrupting military and defence operations.

“In this digital era, the effectiveness of data utilisation is highly dependent on the ability to manage data availability, interpreting the data quickly, and incorporating the increasingly complex elements of the field dynamics.

"Geospatial technology can be used not only as a modern mapping platform, but also as a data integration and geo-intelligence platform, creating understanding and coordinating between units and institutions." the spokesperson said.

Dittopad’s partnership with Esri Indonesia signals a digital transformation that will modernise its mapping and geospatial capabilities, allowing it to deliver deeper intelligence and support national security operations.

Brigadier General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Ir. Asep Edi Rosidin, MDA, Director of Topography of the Army (Dittopad) announced plans for the launch of Dittopad 4.0 in line with the innovation and digital transformation agenda — and in support of the One Map Policy.

“The strategic partnership with Esri Indonesia will digitally transform Dittopad to support defence operations as the role of mapping and geospatial information continues to grow for national defence and security,”

"Technology opens the door for Dittopad to be more effective in planning, decision-making, and supporting TNI-AD through remote sensing data analysis and artificial intelligence.”

“Dittopad 4.0 will process various types of data into strategic information to support TNI-AD activities,” added Rosidin.

"The partnership with Esri Indonesia and the implementation of GIS technology is expected to strengthen us as a strategic information provider for the Indonesian Army. We hope that this synergy will further support the performance of the Indonesian Army in safeguarding the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia," Rosidin concluded.