The Indonesian cities of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi are slowly recovering from the floods that surged through them on January 1, 2020.
Water levels reached highs of almost 15 inches – three times more than usual – due to the high rainfall intensity. The Ciliwung and Cisadane rivers overflowed and a number of floodgates were assigned emergency status.
48 casualties were reported due to landslides, hypothermia, electrocution, and drowning. And for security reasons, power cuts were made in the most affected areas. The city’s transportation network was also disrupted, with the LRT (Light Rail Transit), busway, train, toll road, and airport effectively shut down.
These conditions greatly hampered the effectiveness of emergency services and evacuation. In response, the Jakarta Flood Map portal was created by the Emergency Spatial Support Center (ESSC), an initiative by Esri Indonesia.
The portal includes a dashboard to monitor floodgates (Jakarta Floodgate Monitoring), display of flood-affected areas and flood level, list of public facilities affected by floods, story map about Jakarta floods, and the flood victims’ refugee area mapping.
The data used on the Jakarta Flood Map is the fastest and most accurate data because it comes directly from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Dukcapil, BNPB, and other related government agencies. For Jakarta Floodgate Monitoring, data is collected from all floodgates in the city in near real-time, complete with the status of each floodgate.
The dashboard was successfully used by volunteers and stakeholders in DKI Jakarta to accelerate decision-making and response to the flood disaster. It was clear that the portal functioned optimally and is useful in providing location-based intelligence information through geospatial technology.
Esri Indonesia – the official representative of Esri, a GIS company headquartered in Redlands, California – continues to utilize geospatial technology for disaster mitigation, providing reliable and accurate data for stakeholders and volunteers to analyze and aggregate data to address risks that have an impact on infrastructure, environment, and society.
For more information regarding the Jakarta Flood Map Dashboard, please visit the Jakarta-Flood GIS Portal.