Pertamina Hulu Mahakam reveals in an International Petroleum GIS Conference that the implementation of an enterprise spatial analytic platform has saved company millions of dollars annually.

An innovative real-time technology solution which is saving petroleum giant Pertamina Hulu Mahakam millions of US dollars annually was recently recognised as a global best-practice at a leading oil and gas conference in Houston.

Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, a subsidiary of state-owned energy leader Pertamina Group, implemented the geospatial technology in a bid to increase productivity and efficiency in their operations, enhance workforce safety, and provide greater rigor around their environmental and community engagement programs.

Mr Novandy Ritung presenting GIS Portal as One Stop Services Tool at Esri Global Petroleum GIS Conference in Houston, Texas
Mr. Novandy Ritung - Head of Data Management and Mapping Services of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam presented on GIS Portal as One Stop Services Tool at Esri Global Petroleum GIS Conference held in Houston, Texas.​​​​​

The organisation was invited to present their world-leading solution to more than 500 oil and gas industry leaders from around the globe at the Esri Petroleum Conference, an event which showcases the best new innovations in Geographic Information System (GIS) technology for the sector.

Novandy Ritung, Head of Data Management and Mapping Services of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, attended the conference to present the solution to delegates and answer industry questions.

“Hulu Mahakam field’s production facilities consist of around 860 wells onshore and offshore, with more than 2,000 kilometres of pipelines and 41 Gathering Testing Satellites, all controlled via six processing hubs,” said Pak Novandy.

“Additionally, our oil rigs and barges drill up to ten wells each year and we coordinate a fleet of around 300 vessels.

“As a result of these complex operations and vast volume of data, our greatest challenge has been how to manage these assets effectively and ensure the organisation’s activities are both productive and safe.

“A clear understanding of the operations is critical, not only in ensuring our day-to-day operations are efficient, but also in ensuring we can appropriate prepare and respond to emergency situations such as an oil spill.

“GIS technology emerged as the best way to clearly manage these challenges, as the technology integrates, maps and analyses our data sources to provide a single, accurate view of our entire operation.

“This single portal – which has become a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all our spatial data – can be accessed by key decision-makers throughout the business, ensuring they have access to the right information and insight to optimise operations.

“For example, we used the technology to track our fleet – including rigs, barges and marine vehicles such as tugboats – in real-time. We could then analyse their movements to to create far more efficient routes.

“Saving time equates to saving money, and in the case of our fleet optimisation program, we have generated savings of more than US$3M annually.”

In addition to logistic and marine transport, the real-time technology solution now underpins the operations of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam’s other key business units including: health, safety and environment; field operations; geosciences; engineering and construction; drilling and well service; societal; pipeline inspection; land management; and, security.

Pak Novandy also revealed the technology has delivered considerable benefit to its environment and community engagement programs, particularly as shrimp farming has rapidly developed in the area.

“As Hulu Mahakam consist of 46 small deltaic islands surrounded by forests, it posed a huge threat to the environment and the local community,” Pak Novandy said.

“By taking a geographic view of the situation, we can clearly understand environmental risks and conservation requirements impacting our operations, and ensure we are appropriately managing these at all times.”

Esri Indonesia Chief Executive Officer said Pertamina Hulu Mahakam had set a new benchmark with its solution, which will act as a blue-print for other oil and gas companies around the world.

“Pertamina Hulu Mahakam has demonstrated how the innovative application of GIS technology not only generates greater workforce productivity, efficiency and safety, but also significant ROI,” he said.

“We congratulate Pertamina Hulu Mahakam for the recognition they have received for this innovation on a global-scale, and look forward to partnering with them to drive further digital transformation in the years to come.”

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