The oil and gas community has faced unprecedented challenges in the wake of COVID-19. Geospatial technology is providing organisations with solutions to pave the way forward as they enter the recovery phase.  

In this special interview, SKK Migas Deputi Perencanaan Jaffee Arizon Suardon, PT. Saka Energi Acting President Director Susmono Soetrisno, and Esri Indonesia Solution Specialist Pachira Eizza Paramitha answer questions from the user community on how resources organizations can leverage geospatial technology to sustain oil and gas production.

Jaffee Arizon Suardon, Deputi Perencanaan | SKK Migas

Q. Is it the right time for oil and gas companies to invest in big data or should they be increasing exploration and exploitation of natural reserves in Indonesia?

A. Currently, Indonesia doesn’t have the option and is working on all opportunities to increase oil and gas reserves. Investors are interested in reserves with ‘giant’ potential, which the development of existing ones do not offer. Indonesia must be competitive with other countries and we have many options for investors. The government must also be involved with ‘giant’ potential reserves to make additions and improve data quality.

Q. Talking about GIS, how necessary is the involvement of a geographer in the oil and gas sector?

A. GIS is very important in conducting an integrated evaluation. The exploration strategy cannot stop at a successful ratio. An exploration strategy is currently being prepared by doing EMV (Expected Monetary Value), where insights from all angles are crucial.

Susmono Soetrisno, Acting President Director | PT. Saka Energi

Q. Was PT. Saka Energi’s Corporate Data Management (CDM) developed in-house or using an existing application on the market?

A. The Saka CDM application ideas and concepts were developed in-house based on discussions with users (the Geology and Geophysics team). The process was assisted by local consultant PT Horizon Perdana Internasional (HPI). The platform is developed using .NET-based web programming by integrating ArcGIS Server for the web-based map interface and LYNX Information System UK for the on-the-fly Seismic and Well Log Viewer.

Q. How efficient is the usage of drone data acquisition during the ongoing monitoring of drilling operations?

A. Drone data acquisition at PT. Saka Energi involves third party drone service professionals. It supports efficiencies with monitoring drilling activities including:

1. Land acquisition (onshore project) or scout survey (offshore project) – Baseline mapping of social and physical conditions above and around the site prior to drilling activities.

2. Drilling execution – Monitoring of physical environmental conditions and social activities around the location at the time of drilling.

3. Post-drilling Capturing and ensuring that drilling activities do not leave negative impacts on the physical environment and social activities around the drilling location.

Q. What is PT. Saka Energi’s organizational structure for managing spatial data to preserve and display it in GIS?

A. The spatial data management organization in Saka is broadly divided into three phases:

1. Acquisition phase – This is usually undertaken by a third-party contractor under the supervision of the relevant department as the project owner. For example, the seabed survey data acquisition is carried out by the marine survey contractor and supervised by the drilling team.

2. Management phase – Performed by the E&P Data Management team this phase includes the process of extraction, transfer and loading to the Corporate Spatial Database.

3. Utilisation phase – This phase includes making map services, and developing Web GIS and dashboard-based applications. Completed by the E&P Data Management team, this process involves the end-user as the owner and user of the data.

Pachira Eizza Paramitha, Solution Specialist | Esri Indonesia

Q. What type of data can be used to create a fence diagram?

A. 2D data is required in the form of a line representing the area you want to create and display the fence diagram. It also requires 3D data to be used as input to build the fence diagram.

Q. Can you load the SEG-Y seismic data in both 2D and 3D?

A. Currently, several Esri partners have developed solutions that integrate seismic data with ArcGIS. Seismic data loading in ArcGIS Pro can be done using additional extensions provided by Esri's partners, such as Data Explorer from Exprodat or Subsurface Portal for ArcGIS from Geocap.

Q. Are there any tools to do 3D analysis in ArcScene – particularly slicing and cross section?

A. Tools for slicing and cross section are not available in ArcScene. Interactive slicing and creation of fence diagrams (cross sections) are some of the capabilities that can only be done in ArcGIS Pro.

Q. Is the data source managed by EPIC application located on a local server or on AGOL?

A. The data source that is managed and visualised in the EPIC application is located on a local server owned by Pertamina EP.

For more information on GIS solutions for the oil and gas industry, book a meeting with a consultant to learn how to take advantage of the platform.  

About the Author

Jaffee Arizon Suardin profile
Jaffee Arizon Suardin
Deputy of Planning
SKK Migas, Indonesia
Jaffee Arizon Suardin is an upstream oil and gas expert with over 15 years' experience in the resources industry.
Susmono Soetrisno profile
Susmono Soetrisno
Act. President Director
PT. Saka Energi Indonesia, Indonesia
Susmono Soetrisno previously held the position of Vice President Director of PT BJ Services Indonesia, he gradated from Trisakti University majoring in Mineral Technology.
Pachira Eizza Paramitha
Pachira Eizza Paramitha
Senior Solution Specialist
Esri Indonesia, Jakarta
A passionate geospatial enthusiast with a geodetic and geomatics engineering background.