The needs of a community, especially one in poor health and entrenched within a conservation area, can be difficult to manage.
This was the case for a village living near Gunung Leuser National Park, whose residents had limited access to health services and information. In such situations, it is common for them to turn to illegal logging to pay for medical treatment.
Enter Healthy Planet Indonesia (HePI), an organization that aims to integrate conservation and healthcare through community-based projects.
By providing dental care incentives to the residents, it hopes to reduce their dependence on deforestation and land encroachment to close the economic gap.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how Esri Indonesia has collaborated with HePI and used GIS to support its conservation efforts, and monitor and manage the health data of the Gunung Leuser National Park community.
There’ll also be a quiz on Gunung Leuser National Park where you could win Esri Indonesia merchandise, as well an opportunity to contribute to its conservation efforts!
- Signing of MoU between Esri Indonesia and HePI
- Applying sustainable development solutions for a positive global impact
- Presenting real life scenarios on local and international community resiliency through GIS
- Conserving and monitoring Gunung Leuser National Park’s biodiversity and supporting its community using GIS