Migrating from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro

Strictly by pre-registration only

What is this course about?

Meet the desktop app that makes GIS work more fun.

With faster tools and integrated 2D and 3D capabilities, ArcGIS Pro will streamline your GIS projects. This course prepares experienced ArcMap users to be productive right away. Learn essential ArcGIS Pro terminology and concepts and how to efficiently complete a variety of tasks related to mapping, editing, analyzing, and sharing geospatial data and resources.

Course details






2 days




Foundation Course

CPD points


Esri will provide the following software to use during class:

  • ArcGIS Pro (Advanced)

Are there any prerequisites?

  • This course assumes significant ArcMap experience. If you have no previous ArcMap experience, take ArcGIS Pro: Essential Workflows instead of this course

What skills will I learn?

  • Create an ArcGIS Pro project and import map documents.
  • Import other ArcMap resources and identify potential migration issues.
  • Create and modify map symbology, text, and layouts.
  • Share geospatial resources to an ArcGIS Online organizational site or ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

What can I expect?

  • 1. Getting started with ArcGIS Pro
    • ArcGIS Pro in the ArcGIS system
    • ArcGIS Pro project structure
    • ArcGIS Pro interface and structure
    • Exercise 1: Import an ArcMap map document into ArcGIS Pro
  • 2. Creating resources
    • ArcMap resources
    • ArcGIS Pro resources
    • Choosing a resource in ArcGIS Pro
    • Exercise 2: Create a project template in ArcGIS Pro
  • 3. Editing features and attributes
    • Editing review
    • Comparing editing environments in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro
    • Benefits of editing in ArcGIS Pro
    • Editing in ArcGIS Pro
    • Exercise 3: Edit features and attributes
  • 4. Symbolizing data
    • Symbology review
    • Symbolize layers in ArcGIS Pro
    • Sources of symbology styles
    • Exercise 4: Modify symbology and the display of layers
  • 5. Adding text to a map
    • Adding text using ArcMap
    • Adding text using ArcGIS Pro
    • Label classes
    • Adding text in ArcGIS Pro
    • Exercise 5: Label features
  • 6. Displaying raster data
    • Raster management
    • Raster display
    • Raster functions
    • Displaying raster data
    • Exercise 6: Use raster symbology and functions
  • 7. Performing analysis
    • Analysis in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro
    • Using ArcMap resources in ArcGIS Pro
    • Exercise 7: Perform spatial analysis
  • 8. Creating map layouts
    • Creating map layouts in ArcMap
    • Importing an ArcMap layout in ArcGIS Pro
    • Exercise 8A: Create a map layout in ArcGIS Pro
    • ArcMap data driven pages vs. ArcGIS Pro map series
    • Exercise 8B: Create a map series in ArcGIS Pro
  • 9. Sharing resources
    • Using the portal in ArcMap
    • Using the portal in ArcGIS
    • Sharing options in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro
    • Sharing with different audiences in ArcGIS Pro
    • ArcGIS Online resources
    • Exercise 9: Share items using ArcGIS Pro