Working with Lidar Data in ArcGIS

Strictly by pre-registration only

What is this course about?

This course introduces light detection and ranging (lidar) data concepts, collection methods, quality-control considerations, and common applications. Techniques to manage, edit, visualize, and share lidar-derived 2D and 3D information products using ArcGIS Pro are covered.

Course details






1 day




Visualisation, Editing and Analysis Course

Are there any prerequisites?

Completion of ArcGIS Pro: Essential Workflows or Migrating from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro or equivalent knowledge.

What skills will I learn?

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Validate the quality and accuracy of lidar data.
  • Edit lidar data to correct errors.
  • Organize, process, visualize, and share lidar data using ArcGIS LAS datasets, mosaic datasets, and point cloud scene layers.
  • Derive useful information products from lidar data, including raster surfaces, building footprints, and vegetation estimates.

What can I expect?

  • Course topics

    Exploring lidar data

    • What is lidar?
    • Lidar returns
    • Examine lidar attributes
    • Lidar classification
    • Collecting lidar data
    • Storing lidar data
    • Explore lidar data in ArcGIS Pro

    Using lidar data in ArcGIS Pro

    • LAS files in ArcGIS
    • Managing lidar data in ArcGIS
    • Choosing a lidar data type
    • What is a LAS dataset?
    • Identify surface constraints
    • Exploring a LAS dataset
    • Create and work with LAS datasets

    Creating surfaces from lidar

    • Common surface models
    • Creating a raster surface from lidar
    • Output resolution
    • Interpolating output cell values
    • Creating surfaces from lidar
    • What is a mosaic dataset? Pros and cons of managing lidar data with mosaic datasets
    • Managing lidar in a mosaic dataset

    Modifying lidar data

    • Why edit?
    • Editing methods
    • Lidar editing considerations
    • Choosing an editing method
    • Edit a LAS dataset

    Creating and sharing 3D layers with lidar

    • The power of 3D
    • Using 3D features
    • 3D geometries
    • Creating 3D buildings
    • Create 3D buildings from lidar
    • Challenges with sharing lidar
    • Sharing 3D layers
    • Share lidar data to a portal