Esri Indonesia has shortlisted the top 10 story map submissions of its GIS Day 2017 student competition.

The candidates will be presenting their story maps to a panel of judges on 17 November 2017 at the GIS Day 2017 event being held at Ruang VIP, Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Indonesia.

The judges will be choosing three finalists who, in addition to receiving a trophy and a certificate, will get a cash prize of IDR 3 million for first place, IDR 2 million for second place and IDR 1 million for third place.

All ten candidates are competing for the title of the ‘Most-liked story map’ as well. They will be sharing their story maps on social media until 17 November in a bid to gather the highest number of likes before the deadline.

The competition focused on five sub-themes of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Sustainable cities and communities; Industry innovation and infrastructure; Decent work and economic growth; Responsible consumption and production; and Affordable and clean energy.

Meet the ten finalists, browse through their story maps and decide for yourself who you think should win first place. (Some links may require ArcGIS sign in.)

Name University Story Map Title
Muhammad Firdaus R. Universitas Diponegoro Industrial Sector of Indonesia
Raa Ina Sidrotul Muntaha Institut Teknologi Bandung SDGs 9 of Asia-Pasific
Anandika Pramesti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik Geothermal: Sumber Energi Terbarukan Masa Depan Indonesia
Muhamad Iqbal Januadi Putra Universitas Indonesia How Urban Heat Island Influence Our Cities
Muhammad Hafidz Qurani Universitas Indonesia Indonesia Special Economic Zones
Zulfa Munajah Universitas Indonesia Kelayakan Usaha Tani Lada Putih Kabupaten Belitung
Muhammad Edgar Fauzan Universitas Indonesia Let’s Building Sustainability Cities and Communities with Smart Tourism
Kurniawan Ramadhan Universitas Indonesia Spasio-Temporal Suhu Permukaan Tanjungpandan
Feny Yunita Universitas Indonesia Enabling Innovation
Sandy Apriliansyah Universitas Indonesia Jakarta Melawan Macet